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Injury and surgery can set you back, but they don't have to sideline you forever. We are excited to Introduce Return to Sport – a new program offered at SP.O.R.T.S. 

What is SP.OR.T.S. Return to Sport program?


Return to Sport is a medically supported post-rehabilitation program that bridges the gap between rehabilitation and your return to an active or competitive lifestyle. It is designed for people of all ages who have suffered an orthopaedic injury.


Who can benefit from this program?

Return to Sport benefits athletes of all ages and abilities – from recreational to professionally competitive. It is designed for anyone who has received medical treatment and rehabilitation for a sports-related injury such as an ACL tear, labral tear, torn meniscus, rotator cuff disorder or throwing injury. The program also helps people with overuse injuries or chronic conditions that resist treatment.


How is Return to Sport different from physical therapy?

Return to Sport enhances the results of your orthopaedic and physical therapy care by guiding you through fitness protocols to complete your recovery from injury. Without quality post-rehabilitation training to integrate full body strength, flexibility, and coordination, you're not fully preparing yourself to get back to regular physical activity.


Is a referral needed?


A referral from a physician or physical therapist is recommended, but not required.


Where is the program located?


Return to Sport is conveniently located in SP.OR.T.S. Physical Therapy Clinic, 10605 Concord St, Suite 105 in Kensington, MD 20895.


What are the office hours

  • 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday

  • 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Friday

  • 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday


Schedule an appointment today! Call 301-946-7717 or email


Questions? Contact Us!


P: 301-946-7717
F: 301-946-8794


Appointment Hours:

Monday thru Thursday

7:00 AM to 7:00 PM



7:00 AM to 3:00 PM


Office Location:

10605 Concord Street, Suite 105

Kensington, Maryland 20895


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