Physical therapy is a high benefit, low risk solution to diagnose and treat many different conditions. Physical therapy helps people of all ages who have medical conditions, illnesses or injuries that limit their regular ability to move. It helps patients return to their prior level of physical functioning.
Reduce or eliminate pain- Hands on therapy or treatments such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation can help relieve pain and restore muscle and joint function to reduce low back pain. Such therapies also prevent pain from returning.
Avoid surgery- If physical therapy helps you eliminate pain, or heal from an injury, surgery may not be needed. And even if surgery is required you may benefit from pre-surgery physical therapy. It will allow you to recover from surgery faster because you’re stronger prior to it.
Improve your mobility- If you’re having trouble standing, walking or moving- no matter your age- physical therapy can help. Stretching and strengthening exercises help restore your ability to move.
Recover from or prevent a sports injury- Physical therapists understand how different sports can increase your risk for specific types of injuries (such as stress fractures for runners). They can design appropriate recovery or prevention exercise programs for you.
Improve your balance and prevent falls- When you begin physical therapy you will get screened for fall risk. If you’re at high risk for falls, therapists will provide exercises that mimic real life situations. Therapists also help you with exercises to improve coordination.
Manage age-related issues- As you age, you may develop arthritis or osteoporosis or need a joint replacement. Physical therapy can effectively keep older patients more mobile and fit them with the appropriate walking device if needed.